Cover design: All 467 Japanese and international responses to the question “How would you describe Butoh?” from the 2017 and 2018 surveys.
Something Called Butoh
Published by NPO Dance Archive Network in 2020
Distributed by Canta Co.Ltd
144 pages / Bilingual edition: Japanese & English
Size: B5/ Price: 1,650 yen
ISBN: 978-4-902098-11-2
Contributors: Oguri, Toshi Tanaka, Yumi Umiumare, Yumiko Yoshioka, Caitlin Coker, Margot Olliveaux, Norihito Ishii, Kim Itoh, Kakuya Ohashi, Mitsutake Kasai, Yukio Suzuki, Makiko Takamatsu and Kumotaro Mukai
Edited by Toshio Mizohata, Dai Matsuoka, Yurika Kuremiya, Mai Honda and Seara Ishiyama
Translated by Mai Honda, Dai Matsuoka, John Barrett and Takao Kawaguchi
Designed by Nobutaka Kitakaze (Young Soul) and Miku Matsuoka (Young Soul)
In conjunction with Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio, Tasumi Hijikata Archive at Keio University Art Center
Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
This book is published as a report on worldwide Butoh surveys conducted by the Dance Archive Network from 2017 to 2019 supported by Arts Council Tokyo. The surveys might not have been through enough, yet one can glimpse Butoh’s worldwide current situation. Through the eyes of worldwide Butoh practitioners, this book supplies a variety of voices on “something called Butoh.”
-A Report of Butoh Research 2017-2019
The research result is shown with charts and explanations along with Butoh researchers’ comments by Caitlin Coker and Margot Olliveaux.
-A Snapshot of Butoh 2019
The responses from 2019 survey which was distributed to the respondents from the ones of 2017 and 2018 are fully published along with photographs.
-Butoh Diaspora
Oguri, Toshi Tanaka, Yumi Umiumare, and Yumiko Yoshioka, who settled and has been active outside of Japan, write about their activities.
-A Spiritual Relay 2019
Under the theme of “A Spiritual Relay,” some third generation Butoh dancers in Japan wrote about what they have inherited from their mentors. Contributors are Norihito Ishii, Kim Itoh, Kakuya Ohashi, Mitsutake Kasai, Yukio Suzuki, Makiko Takamatsu and Kumotaro Mukai.